

Thank you for calling the error to our attention so we may correct it promptly.

I’m sorry to trouble you.

I’m sorry for causing you an inconvenience.

The mistake obviously ours.

Please accept our deep apologies.


We have not received your shipment of our order as of this time.

At this time, we have not received the products that we ordered.

We received different articles from what we ordered.

The goods you sent were short by 20 cases.

The goods have been severely damaged.

We’ve received your shipment in a badly damaged condition.

We’d like to know if they were properly checked before dispatch.


We will replace the whole shipment immediately.

I’ll go over the matter and inform you as soon as possible.

I’ll ask the shipping company about the matter.

We fount that it happened in transit.

We are sorry for the inconvenience we caused, and we will make every effort to prevent a recurrence.
